Tuesday, April 1, 2014

All Is Well


All is well here in Heber, AZ with the Bradshaw's!  It has been a very eventful Winter and now Spring.  Bryton (turned 4 in November) and Cager (turned 2 in February) are getting so big and they entertain us every day and bring us so much joy... and the occasional gray hairs :) Bryton loves to be a little "mommy" and help me... and "give instructions" to those around her.  She is witty, spicy, talkative, and even uniquely insightful and spiritual at times.  She has been so concerned about telling strangers about our Savior Jesus Christ and likes to keep pass along cards with pictures of Him to give away.  It inspires me and makes me proud. She is in the 95th percentile for height so she is very tall and lean.  Her eyes are crystal blue and her hair is still blond, although she cut her bangs completely off without my permission...lol... and it is taking months for them to grow back.  That has been entertaining.  She loves to go as fast as we'll let her while riding our sweet new roping horse, Black Top, and she loves to take dance in Heber and make up songs to perform for us. She is incredible!  Cager is still my sweet, cuddly boy, although he is independent and busy.  He is so strong and so fast.  He is beginning to speak in short sentences that we can understand somewhat :) He too has the crystal blue eyes and blond hair with adorable curls now.  He also loves to ride horses and wants to rope everything in sight.  He also likes to climb, jump on the tramp, and ride the four wheelers.  He says hi to everyone he sees and loves to give hugs when parting. He and Bryton especially love the elderly and often ask me on the spot when we meet some "grandpa & grandpa" if we can get their phone number and if they can come play :) Colter did awesome at the world series of team roping nationals in Vegas in December.  He and Jerry Lilly got 12th place out of about 400 of some of the best team in the country and we brought home some cash and had a blast!  We especially loved the night when my parents watched the kids and we went out in Vegas to a fancy restaurant with our dear friends, Todd * Kerri Schaefer and Jody & JW Brooks, and than to an awesome Cirque show! Colt & I love to go on dates! :) Colt is still enjoying and proud to be on the Chandler Fire Dept. in the valley and than taking care of the property up here on his off days.  I often get tired of missing him when he's gone a lot, but I appreciate our time together! He was honored to play the part of the horseback Captain Moroni in the Gilbert Temple dedication cultural celebration,  I (Kelsee) am enjoying being busy raising Bryton & Cager (which is the best and most important),  having fun with Colter, working at Legacy Lodge, performing with Cowgirls Historical Foundation, & writing country music!  In December, I was about 11 weeks pregnant when I had another miscarriage. It was very sad.  But, I was able to have the experience at home rather than having to have the surgery and I had no physical complications. I learned some life lessons and had spiritual experiences that I am grateful for. We hope very much that baby #3 will be on the way very soon! Colter and I had the trip of a lifetime in February to Nashville!  We went for a benefit concert at the world famous Bluebird Café that I was the chair-person for the National Day of the Cowboy.  We were pleased to have Todd & Kerri Schafer come with us too! It was incredible! Fabulous song writer/singers Bryan Kennedy, Wynn Varble, and Troy Jones, put on a fabulous show.   I was in tears from being touched and than in tears from laughing so hard. It was an unforgettable night and these 3 talented, kind, neat guys are our new, dear friends.  Here is a radio show that I did with them: http://wsmradio.libsyn.com/national-day-of-the-cowboy-feature-on-coffee-country-cody Todd, Kerri, Colter, and I went to all the famous honky tonks and danced, and sang, and laughed all night.   We had a private tour at the Country Music Hall of Fame and it was so awesome! Than we went back stage to the Grand Ole Opry!! It was so surreal to be there and I just loved every minute of this trip. I'm so grateful for the neat people that we met & enjoyed & its neat that I can keep in touch with them about my song-writing and they have given me great, positive feedback.  I'm so grateful for this opportunity.  And our kids were happy as can be in the care of my parents and other family members :)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Update from the Bradshaw's

Happy 2013!
Time keeps flying by and we now find ourselves at the dawn of another new year!  Reflecting on this is a gentle reminder to me that we must cherish every moment with our family and friends, make the most of the opportunities we are given, and be found in service and gratitude.
October found us on a whole new adventure.  Colter and I just took a caretaker position and moved to the Worsley family's private lodge in Heber, AZ. Its beautiful. Right now, it is cold indeed which means building fires in our wood stove, icy and snowy roads to plow, and bundling up the kids every day but that also means cuddling and hot chocolate... lol :) Come Summer time, I'm sure we'll be feeling smarter about our decision to move here when the temperature is agreeable.  Colt still works for the fire dept. in Chandler and just drives down (2 hrs, 15 min.) for his 2 day shift every 6 days. I scan documents, clean, holiday decorate, etc. and Colt tends to the 35 acres and 21,000 square foot lodge, and we prep for when guests come. Its 8 miles down a dirt road outside of the little town up Heber up on the rim.  We've rented our Queen Creek home for 2 years and we'll see how this adventure works out for our family in the mean time. It is lonely some days when Colt's gone, but it will make us stronger, we will make great memories, meet great people, all while making a good financial move.
 My little Bryton turned 3 in November and makes us laugh all day long at her wittiness and comedic side. She melted my heart the other day when I was getting ready for church and said, "Mommy, I wanna be just like you!"  That is drive for me to be better.  Cager, everyone's little buddy, started walking on Christmas and will turn one next month! He says dadda, momma, and da for doggie.  He is still as bald as the day he was born and I love it. They are treasures! 
I'm so grateful for my family and for the comfort, peace, and guidance that my testimony of Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ provides! 
All the best,

The above pictures were part of a photo shoot for the 2013 Perryman's Western Wear Calendar but these ones that we took for fun with my cute cowboy were my favorite.  And the last one I had to share of our pretty mare as well.  We're so proud of her and the job she's done this year as Colter's other roping partner.  (I will look forward to posting some more pictures of our cute kiddos just as soon as I'm able) 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Meet our newest 6 month old addition :) Cager Wayne

Well my dear friends, you all know that here at the Buckaroo Bradshaw's we've just recently hung up the pony express saddle and were getting use to the "emailing era" when you all progressed into the blogging and social media world, lol. Its silly us though.  My own sweet mother teases me that I'm not on facebook.  So, thank you, my few blog followers, lol, for having patience with my lack of skill in this arena... And on to the important mentionings...

Meet our sweet, adorable CAGER WAYNE BRADSHAW! He was born February 5, 2012 at 21.5 inches and 8 pounds, 13 ounces big.  He has been the sweetest, cuddliest, easy going baby I could have ever hoped for.  We love him to pieces!  The story on his name "Cager" is that when Joan was pregnant with Colter, they were told it looked twins so Joan had the idea that she'd name them Colter & Cager if that was the case.  Well, it ended up being just one big baby Colter & as the kids got older and heard that story, they always liked the name Cager and wanted to use it in their future family.  The middle name of Wayne is after Colt's dad, Gary Wayne.  It took some getting use to but I love his name and it fits perfectly.  Cager is easy going yet socially alert & always ready to "coo" to anyone. He sleeps & eats well & smiles & laughs a lot.  He plays like a pure boy too.  Bryton is often too rough with him & tries to wrestle and he just growls & laughs.   Bryton is sweet and tender with him as well.  It is so very special to see siblings interact with and love each other.  You can sense that their bond goes way deeper than just this earthly existance.  Colter and I are both over joyed by our two kids and feel very blessed to be their parents.
Our LITTLE MISS BRYTON is still a little spit fire (although she is showing her sweet side in this picture :) and we love it.  She is usually making us laugh really hard, occasionally making us pull our hair out, & so often melting our heart with her "kiss, hug, & a squeeze" as she says it, everyone time anyone comes & goes.  She knows her colors, alphabet, counts to 15,  and can reason & debate with the best of us.  She loves to ride horses and the "vroom-vroom" & at the ropings, she is Colter's biggest fan and critic.  She yells, "Yeah! Go daddy!" when he catches his steers and "Oh no!" if he misses.  She was just recently found in the backyard one morning while Colter & and I were asleep, with a broom in the air chasing the horses because she said she was "catching them."

Here are some earlier pictures...

Now on to DADDY COLTER's update!  Colter is still loving the Chandler Fire Dept. & has now also been working for Porter Bros. Construction on many of his days off.  He is a hard worker and I'm so grateful for that, especially after having grown up with a dad that worked so very hard day in and day out.  We learned from him and mom to make the most of every single day.  Its difficult for me to understand people who are lazy so Colter and I work well together with life's tasks :) My family does love to play hard too though! Colter roped AWESOME this spring and won a lot, mostly heeling on the bay mare.  We've traveled quite a bit for it, mostly just local but we have some fun trips ahead of us for roping:  Show Low, Utah, Mormon Lake, than most likely the USTRC nationals in Oklahoma in the fall, and FOR ANY OF YOU WHO WANT TO PARTY WITH US IN VEGAS, LOL, we'll be going in December because he qualified for the World Series of Team Roping NATIONALS.  Colter is a talented, tough, tender good man, & handsome to top it off!  I love him!!

Okay, and lastly, MOMMY KELSEE'S update:  its still surreal that I'm a mom to two adorable children!  It really seemed like time flew and it happend so fast!  Colt and I just celebrated our 5th anniversary in April and I'm looking forward to an endless amount of more anniversaries.  We also just celebrated his birthday and we had a blast!  We took a much needed over-night stay at a gorgeous Scottsdale resort, Montelucia, and my mom watched the kids.  You've just got to do this periodically when you are married and you have kids!  It was so refreshing to just focus on each other only. If any of you ever feel like you need to do this, I will want it for you so bad that I will watch your kids so you can go, lol!  Just let me know! :) As for what else I've been up to, I'm still involved with riding & performing with Cowgirls Historical Foundation (www.cowgirlshistoricalfoundation.com) and as a spokesperson, we just celebrated the National Day of the Cowboy on Sat. (www.nationaldayofthecowboy.com).  And by the way, if you have anything you want to buy this week at Barnes & Noble, print the B & N voucher out on the National Day of the Cowboy website and part of your purchase will go towards this non-profit organization of NDOC that is so important to me.  I've roped once since I had Cager and I'd like to rope more but its not feasable with these little kids and that is alright with me.  I am also working part time doing some scanning from home, and whenever I have any spare time, I like to try to learn to play the guitar & write lyrics, lol.  That sounds cheesy but I love it and writing country music would be my dream career.  But, the job of mommy and wifey far surpass anything on this earth.

(This picture was taken at our all time favorite, the Reno Rodeo, just before rodeo legend Cotton Rosser walked over to our box seat on his horse, pointed at Bryton and said,"Bring that cute little girl down to me!" Bryton pet his horse and than Taryn let him know that Bryton was Harry Frost's great-great granddaughter & Cotton said,"To this day, Harry will always be one of my dearest friends."  This experience was a little heaven send to my family :)

Keep me updated in your beautiful lives as well! All my best to each of you!  Happy trails! 


Monday, November 7, 2011

Funny youtube video of us we just found :)


Not sure who recorded and posted this but we got a kick out of it... although we lost for the buckle to some of dear friends, the Hastings, by a second I believe, it was good for a laugh & a memory. We love Gilbert Days! That arena is where we met :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Well hellooooooo!

Hello friends! Yes, Buckaroo Bradshaw's are still alive and kickin' though I have not posted for over a year :) Life is beautiful, not free of up's and down's, but beautiful and the up's and down's are what make roller coaster rides fun & exciting, right? :) Here is the gist of the 3... okay FOUR of us Bradshaw's... Yes, I'll start there with the best news: I'm 19 weeks pregnant, due Feb. 8th :) :) Yeehaw! And, we just found out its a lil' cowBOY buckaroo! :) We are so very grateful and excited! Bryton is already talking about "baby brother".

BRYTON: She is 22 months old and thinks she is a teenager. She is still in the 95th-100th precentile for height but probably the 5th percentile for hair. She is constantly making us laugh and appreciate all the sweet little moments in life. She can carry on full conversations with strangers or friends alike (wonder where she got that trait...) but they are almost always about horses and cows. Seems she knows a lot about the subject. She does love to ride and be around the horses, & her Dallee dog, & mommy, daddy, Nanna & Abu (my mom & dad), grandma & grandpa (Colt's mom & dad), and ALL the cousins & friends. She can be so very sweet and cuddly & she can be so very.... sassy :) but we love her either way. She knows what she wants and she works at it. She is mischievious but yet very helpful and loves a task. She melts our heart with her "I love you's", her morning cuddle time, her wild jumping & laughing on the bed, her hugs (always with a couple pats on the back), and her kisses (always on the lips, to everyone... we'll have to break her of that before too long, lol)! The other day I heard her yelling "yeehaw" from her crib during nap time and I went in to find her straddling the crib, one leg on each side, with one arm in the air like she was riding a horse, and yelling "yeehaw!" :)

COLTER: My sweetheart is a good man. He has been working so hard, especially this Spring and Summer with the fire dept., part time on his days off for AZ Superior Cleaning (good friends the Hastings), and for Mechanical Bull Assoc. (aka, me). I just feel like I'm missing him all the time. He just got back from NYC playing in the World Police & Fire Games playing on Chandler Fire's basketball team. They played great and lost in double overtime to the gold medal team, Athens, Greece (which game included a 3 pointer Colter swooshed with just seconds left to take them into OT :). I'm proud they all did awesome. Bryton is a daddy's girl and he sure does a great job with her. I guess that makes me a "Colter's girl" :)

KELSEE: I'm enjoying watching Bryton grow and watching my belly grow quickly from this big baby boy on the way :) I'm enjoying spending any time I can get with Colter :) We enjoyed several adventures this spring and summer, including rodeos, ropings, mechanical bull gigs, and one of our best trips, UT & than on to Reno, NV to see wonderful family, work some jobs, & enjoy my favorite spot, gorgeous Lake Tahoe with Colt, Bryton, and dad; a summer highlight. I love my calling in church as YW pres. and I am inspired by the young women that I get to serve & serve with as well as the spiritual and growing experiences I've been blessed with. I'm still working for Wild West Performers and am grateful for that. I also appreciate my continued involvement with Cowgirls Historical Foundation and another great cause, the National Day of the Cowboy (nationaldayofthecowboy.com), which is the 28th of July this year. We bred our Australian Shepherd Dallee and she had 9 beautiful pups this summer that we sold quickly. We had a blast with this and most likely look forward to doing it again.

I feel blessed every day for the joy in the my life and I pray for the same for all my friends and family! Until next time,.... happy trails!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Howdy friends and family!

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the start of summer! Where does time go? Every time I contemplate that age old question it helps me to re-commit to cherishing every single day and all of the beauty and joy that life has to offer, especially when it is coupled with God, family, friends, and freedom!

I've been excited to email out an update on Bryton because she is growing up so quickly! Colter and I just can't get enough of her and we feel so very blessed. She is now 7 months old and has been healthy and strong all the while, and progressing well in her baby stages. She is determined in every curious little venture of hers, and has been crawling for about a month now (well, what is and has developed into a real crawl from a slither, and is more developed going backwards), and she loves to try and stand on her own. If you give her any help at all, she'll pop right up and start stamping her feet because she's so excited and she'll also take a few little steps on her own if you hold her hands. She is very social almost to the point that she has sensitive feelings about it it seems :) At 8 weeks old, Colter blessed her in church and it was a beautiful and unique baby blessing. The first thing that came out of his mouth, unbeknownst to what he thought he was going to say, was that she's been blessed with a strong personality :) We think, hope, and pray that means she will be a strong influence for good in her life :) Since about that age of 8-10 weeks, she's been so expressive in loud gasps, and big eyes, and so often a big smile. And now over about the last 6 weeks, she's developed a very loud baby talking voice too. She has a good disposition (as long as she's not hungry) and is patient with Colter and I as we learn together how to be parents and as I work from home with her by my side as my "personal secretary." She is in the 10th percentile for weight and 90th for height, her eyes are sky blue, and she's still bald but with a little blond/auburn hair. She got both her bottom front teeth at 4 to 4.5 months! And though it may not look like it, she loves to eat (man, all this is starting to sound like I'm describing Colt and I... the "loves to eat" part :). And, most people still say when they see her, that she is a "little Kelsee". I agree and that is fun, but I often see Colter in her too which I adore. We've taken her on several road trips, horserides, and fourwheeler rides of course, all of which she seemed to enjoy. She loves animals too and will stretch as far as she can to pet any horse, dog, or other. She is daddy's little girl, and my little buddy.