Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"The big bump!" :)

Okay, I've had some lovedones that live out of state that have requested I post a pic of "the big bump" :) so there she is in all her glory! :) That's at about 28 weeks. I am grateful for the big bump because it means growth, which is a blessing! However, you get comments such as one of my favorites, from my adorable 3 yr. old nephew Bradyn, who asked if he could "have the ball I was hiding from him under my shirt." Lol! Its awesome.


Rachel Hagen said...

woot! Woot! Love the LITTLE bump. You look beautiful!

Jennifer said...

Hey Kels!! You are so stinkin cute!!! Being a mom is the best gift you can have!!

Kierra said...

Kels, You look great And seriously it looks like you have a small basket ball under your shirt. So not Fair!! Be greatful you r are blessed with that when I am prego everything grows huge on me. anywwho it was good to see you and I look forward to seeing you on the 24th